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License Maven Central build

JProbLog is a Java adapter for ProbLog. It requires Python 3 installed. It downloads a ProbLog release the first time it is executed, and caches that file in a local directory.




Julian Alfredo Mendez


This software is distributed under the Apache License Version 2.0.

Release notes

See release notes.

Source code

To check out and compile the project, use:

$ git clone
$ cd jproblog
$ mvn clean install

To compile the project offline, first download the dependencies:

$ mvn dependency:go-offline

and once offline, use:

$ mvn --offline clean install

The bundles uploaded to Sonatype are created with:

$ mvn clean install -DperformRelease=true

and then:

$ cd jproblog/target
$ jar -cf bundle.jar jproblog-*

The version number is updated with:

$ mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=NEW_VERSION

where NEW_VERSION is the new version.


In case you need more information, please contact julianmendez.